Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Life of the Party

So I have come to the realization on how truly blessed we are. We have many of people that are so dear to us that live so far away that our time is so precious when we are able to see them. And for five years it was very lonely for me..... Now we live in this fabulous neighborhood that has so many amazing families living in it and all with kids close to the ages of the boys. Tonight for an example we had a front yard bar-be-que with 13 adult and 16 children (with the oldest 3 being six!!!) Wow!

Lance and I are still amazed at how many people we have become friends with in the past 2 years, most of which we have met out in front of our house. I now know the true meaning of "it takes a village" we all watch out for each other and are forever there to lend a hand with any situation. So for all of our loved ones so far away... I have finally found peace of not being close to "home" in my everyday adventure in mothering.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

We might have the next track star!!!

Dawson had a fun run at school today. The track was 1/8 of a mile and he did 35 laps in 40min. He jogged all but two laps and was having a blast. Dawson is so(for the lack of another word) beautiful to watch when he is running. He does it with such ease. The max of Laps that the kids were able to due was 35 and he finished at the two minute warning, so he got to cheer on his friends. He was so excited and proud that he did all 35. He was also wearing his new watch to day and kept on checking it while he was jogging. He was a man on a mission!!!

What's a boy to do??

We were in Home Depot the other night to buy Lance a new saw blade and the boys were getting a little out of control. They were counting how many saw blades were on display, but were getting in Lance's way and starting to push each other. So I told them not to move anymore and to put their hands in their pockets. This meant no more counting. So out of the corner of my eye I find Evan counting with his head! He looked like a chicken pecking !!!!! It was the funniest thing to watch and leave it to him to come up with another way to do things.