Thursday, November 26, 2009

My favorite Picture

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Dawson stuck them again!

Dawson ran for one touchdown and pulled one flag. Yes, that is me you are hearing... Sorry it is just to exciting to watch your child run down the field and not yell. (Will try to mute myself this next weekend.)

Since I missed the touchdown run!!

Evan had a great game with one touchdown and three flags. Unfortunately a child of mine (who will not be named, but is the same size as the one playing on the field )was playing with my camera and I missed Evan's incredible touchdown run. More pictures will be posted... I know I am very far behind. Sorry

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The "Boys" playing football

The boys had such a great time playing football with grandpa. And Logie finally got to get a touchdown!! After he caught it in the face!!

Our trip to the Heard with Grandpa and Grandma

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

And another

I have realized that these two videos don't even do him justice on how well he ran the ball. But this is what I got. Better luck next time.

Another great run.

Monday, October 19, 2009

We are having such a wonderful time with my parents being here and the weather could not get any better. What great trip to the park we had and the girls had a great time too. Check out Cassy going down the slide! She followed Evan every where he went.

Geek of the week

Grandma and Grandpa brought the boys some new toys and Geek glassed to have fun with. And boy does this picture show the personality of our boys!!

Player of the game

Dawson did so good that the refs and the other coach told him what a good job he was doing. And his team mates said he was the player of the game!!

Titans game

Dawson had an amazing game on Saturday!! He scored two touchdowns and pulled six flags. Dawson was a man on fire!!! He was so focused and played the entire game. The team we played was undefeated and our head coach at the last minute had to take his boy to the doctor, so Lance had to step up and he recruited another dad to help him out. Boy, did they do a good job!! It was a crazy game of really bad calls and the refs interpreting the rules different than what they are. But thankfully Lance always carries the rules for this exact reason.

The offical start of the game!

The boys love doing this! Round two for the banner, the boys still have not been able to bust thru it.

Grizzlies game

The Grizzlies lost, but Evan made one heck of an attempt to save a touchdown. Evan chased down the other team all the way to the end zone and super maned to get the flag. Unfortunately he missed. But way to go... that boy has some wheels.

A boy and his dogs!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Note to self Logie....close your mouth next time you are going to fall down!

Rain= Mud = DIRTY BOYS

The boys were being really wild in the house this afternoon so I sent them out in the rain to play. Me, I was folding the never ending laundry. And then I saw them.... notice the missing shoes. We will look for those later.

Another good run

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Where did he get these moves?

Not only did he play running back, he also tried his arm as the Quarterback and did really well.

Go Titans!!

Dawson had a fabulous 1st game. He ran for three touchdowns and had huge yardage!! He has improved so much from last year and it is wonderful to see how confident he is. I asked him how he felt after scoring his first touchdown and he said" I feel great" !!

Pig Pile

Our runner

Dawson once again finished 1st for the second grade in the Fun Run. He was done so early that he stood by Lance for awhile and then went and ran 7 more laps before it was over.

Driving with Daddy

Another right of passage for Logan. Dawson and Evan have gotten to drive in the drop off circle at Preschool, especially on the days that Lance is able to take them. Well now Logie goes on Fridays by himself, so he finally gets to drive the loop!!