Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mud ball anyone?

When there is mud, what are the boys to do??? The fuzzy spot on the picture of the three of them is a piece of mud!!

Griz game cont.

Evan had an awesome game. Once he pulled his first flag it was game on. Six flags!!! Way to go Evan

The Grizzlies win their first game! 25 to 18

The team masscot

Logan told me that Lexy was ready for Evan's game! That dog will do anything for the child!

When it rains it POURS! So why not play

This rain storm caught all of us off guard. The kids were playing on the play set and the next minute with no warning the rain just started. With the temp being near 80 that day, I thought what the heck just stay outside. They all had a BLAST and have requested to be able to do this again.

The ER doc told him " well if you are going to break something at least you did a good one!"

Logan's broken leg

I thought these were all lost!!!! These are the only pictures we have of the hospital visit when we first went in. Children's hospital was the only hospital in the surrounding area that would take our case. (We needed a Orthopedic surgeon willing to work on a 3 year old.) And boy did we get spoiled! The picture with the yellow cast is when we first arrived at the ER and they finally hooked him up to some morephine. He did not talk for 2 hours and we can't tell you how wonderful it was to hear is voice. We knew that the drugs were working. He had such a great attitude for the whole duration of being in that cast. Notice the progression of cast changes. He had his cast on from May 15th to July 10th!!

All by himself

I am having difficulites trying to flip this video, but this is from the first day. Just think you are stretching your neck!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Last one to ride away

Just a few weeks after getting the green light to return to normal activities, Logan pleaded with us to teach him how to ride his bike like a big boy. ( Well he actually asked that question in the parking lot leaving the docs. office and I told him I didn't want any more broken bones for awhile.) Well he and dad talked and the next thing I know off they go to work on riding his bike. We thought it would take him a few days, since he is still getting stronger with his left leg and well quite frankly he is a buffalo with a size 8 helmet on!! ( Both Dawson and Evans are a size 5) But leave it to my persistant youngest he got it down in less than five minutes!! Oh the joy on his face.

Two in football, one just wanting to tackle somebody

The two running backs and the offensive lineman!! Both Dawson and Evan are playing flag football this fall. But because of Logan's broken leg the doctor would not release him to play sports this season. Logan took the news quite well, but did tell me since he can't play soccer he wants to be on a tackle football team!! The scary thing is he would love to be out there squishing some poor kid to the ground. We have started to warn the two oldest that you better be nice or Logie is going to get you! Stay tuned for game pics ...

Our "Red shirt"

We red shirted Evan this year and couldn't be happier. It is a win/win for all. He loves his teacher and has 5 kids from his preschool class with him. Two will actually go to the same school with him next year.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Finally his day has arrived!

I have to admit I really thought this was going to be my crier on the first day of school, but Logan walked right in as if he owned the place and went and got his journal. ( which was a week early) So Ms. Cori told him, he could help her explain to the other student what to do in journal time. In picking him up that day I was told he took over the explanation of journal time and showed the class how things were done. Oh My!!! He also told a little boy "to be careful, because if you do that again you will get kicked out to here!" Way to go Logie, we are so proud of you!!!

The boys and their "sisters"

One big sleep over at the Gwaltney's.

Second grade here we come!

All of my Monkey's

All of my boys and girls. What a joy it is to take my kids to the Zoo. They absolutely love it and are so excited to see EVERYTHING even though we have been a million time. Dawson is becoming quite the zoologist!

Can he squish me??

What a wonderful day we had with our friends at the museum at OU. We will do that 3 hour drive again. And this was Logan's first day in his walking boot.

Last day for Logans cast!

One last time on the boat before it went off to its new home. What a wonderful day we had with some of our best friends. And Logan was not going to be left behind. Cast and all he still wanted to get wet.( As much as we would let him)

The last boat ride!