Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Last one to ride away

Just a few weeks after getting the green light to return to normal activities, Logan pleaded with us to teach him how to ride his bike like a big boy. ( Well he actually asked that question in the parking lot leaving the docs. office and I told him I didn't want any more broken bones for awhile.) Well he and dad talked and the next thing I know off they go to work on riding his bike. We thought it would take him a few days, since he is still getting stronger with his left leg and well quite frankly he is a buffalo with a size 8 helmet on!! ( Both Dawson and Evans are a size 5) But leave it to my persistant youngest he got it down in less than five minutes!! Oh the joy on his face.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats to Logie...he did it!

I'm so happy to keep up with your family this way. Nice job with the updates, Ally!